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Webinar: Implementing Effective Measures to Safeguard IPRs in China and SEA

Bridging the Gap between Online and Offline

Join this Rouse webinar in conjunction with Lexology "Implementing Effective Measures to Safeguard Intellectual Property Rights in China and Southeast Asia: Bridging the Gap between Online and Offline Realms”

 7 May 2024, 4pm (China time)

Our speakers will share invaluable insights on IP in the digital age. Discover strategies and techniques to safeguard your IP assets across China and Southeast Asia, bridging the gap between the virtual and physical worlds. Gain practical knowledge on how to better leverage the data in your regional online and offline programmes, as well as special market specific advice on dealing with these booming markets.

By registering for this webinar, you submit your information to the webinar organisers and speakers from Rouse, who will use it to communicate with you regarding this event and their other services.

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James Godefroy

Principal, Deputy Enforcement Head
+86 20 8595 5800

Khanh Nguyen

+84 28 3823 6770
James Godefroy
Principal, Deputy Enforcement Head
+86 20 8595 5800
Khanh Nguyen
+84 28 3823 6770