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Supporting The Mitrataa Foundation into 2019

Published on 04 Dec 2018 | 1 minute read
Inspiring Nepali children and women to take control of their futures through their passions and skills.

We are delighted to tell you that we are going to be continuing our support of The Mitrataa Foundation in Nepal in 2019.

We made the decision last year that instead of spending money on a Season’s Greetings card we would give it to an organisation who would be able to put it to a more worthwhile purpose. It is particularly satisfying that the Foundation is run by a former member of the Rouse family, Bec Ordish.

During 2018, we have shared news from the Foundation about the two projects we have supported: Micro-entrepreneurs Platform Programme - Connecting Skills (and Products) with Markets and Financial Literacy. You can read more about them here.


In our latest update, you will have seen that the daughter of Rouse Executive, Edward Hardcastle, has also gone out to Nepal as part of her Gap Year before University to volunteer with the Foundation.

In 2019 we will continue to support the projects as well as provide more practical help. We are discussing some ideas with Bec Ordish and will share them in updates throughout the coming year.

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